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Friday, October 17, 2014

Showcase Night 2: Yes That's a Scarf (or Everybody Does Dumb Stuff Sometimes)

For showcase 2014 all the girls were supposed to wear something purple. I own a purple tank top. Tank tops are usually not considered professional wear.

So this, my friends, is a scarf wrapped around me and hidden under a suit jacket.

Iiiiif you're awkward and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap* 
If you're unphotogenic and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap*
If you're nervous and you know then your face will surely show it!
If you turn red when you're nervous clap your hands! *clap clap*

So what's the moral lesson in all this? (I do Mars Hill, I can't help it, okay?)

We're all awkward. We all have those embarrassing photos and dumb speeches and facepalm moments. I do it, you do it, Isaac Summers may even do it. Actually, I can't verify that. I met him once though and he seemed pretty normal for being legendary.

 Take a deep breathe and realize this is an opportunity to laugh at yourself. To feel human. There is something beautiful about being human. 

So maybe you messed up. To make you feel better, here's a list of times I messed up so bad it was a triple facepalm moment. Aka, all three judges probably really wanted to facepalm because of me.

1. I said "Thank you and I respectfully urge a negative ballot at the end of today's round." I was affirmative. The whole audience laughed.

2. I had a  mind blank during Mars Hill. I ended up preaching that Katniss would have felt better during the Hunger Games if she had had the Bible and it would have solved all her moral dilemmas. #no

3. The judge said "Thank you for speaking!" and I said "you too!" 

4. I once went an entire tournament day without nylons, by accident, and I had bruises and mosquito bites all over my legs.

5. My earring fell out during my first ever round and when I stooped down to pick it up aaalll my papers fell out of my debate folder. As a result I accidentally read for my negative case as the affirmative.

And you know what? I survived. I'm okay. I've broken in debate, I've broken in Mars Hill, I've learned how to look judges and the eyes and say "my pleasure!" with a firm handshake. I remember my nylons. I now have my cases separated into different folders.

I would not be where I am today without who I was then.

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