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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Showcase Night

Most clubs have a night where they dress up and show off. Some clubs call it I.E. Night or Performance Night. Our club calls it the Showcase. We wear fancy clothes and show off our skills in front of everyone we can convince to show up. So what's the purpose? There's a few schools of thought on the subject:

A few years ago on Showcase night when we were *shudder* newbies. (Jk, love the newbies.)
1. To show off
2. To recruit
3. To raise money for the club
4. To build awareness
5. To have fun
6. To dress up

Well, the answer is no longer the last one in our club. We went to wearing ballroom attire on showcase )night to wearing suits, which we do all the time. I fought, kicking, screaming, and passive-aggressively metaphorically biting, to keep fancy dress. After, the guys are wearing the same thing either way, But everyone thought it was too much hassle. #stillmadaboutthat #nevergonnagetoverit #offtopicagain #ADHD

Anyway, so what's the real answer? I think it's a combination of the first five.

You probably guessed that for yourself. So why am I writing this post?

A. I wanted a chance to rant about fancy dress without actually writing a rant post (Doesn't that look more fun than suits? ->)
B. I wanted to reminisce about being newbies.
C. What I'm about to say right here vvvv

Showcase night isn't really about us. It isn't about making us feel cool or accomplished. Because then all we're doing is standing up and talking at people for our own pleasure.

Funny, that's the attitude some people have about speech and debate as a whole.

Showcase Night is about honoring God and each other, raising money for the club, and encouraging people to join this thing we love.

Without that we're just teenager's in suits. Which despite what people think, isn't that impressive by itself.

What's impressive is the attitude we have and what we do in the suits.

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