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Monday, September 1, 2014

Television Shows in Mars Hill Impromtu

 If you haven't seen this, and you do Mars Hill, you need to.

That's right guys.

Mars Hill now includes TV shows.


(From the official stoausa 2014-2015 MHI rules)

*happy dance*

If you know me personally, you know Mars Hill is my 'baby'. It's the first event I ever made it to nats in. It's what I rant about, cry about, the ballots I read most carefully.

Well, that's a lie. I study each ballot like it's a sacred text from the debate gods. Who are named Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. In our club, anyone who is late or the lastest person if there are more than one, is to be tied to a chair and hit with pool noodles as a sacrifice to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Okay, we've never actually done that, but it's a running joke and now I'm super off topic...

For those of you in NCFCA or other leagues (*cough* NFLers *cough*) Mars Hill is a limited prep event, like Apol (oh, wait,...NFLers don't get that, either :P), in which you draw a topic from pop culture and have to analyze it and connect it somehow to the gospel. I always like to add how said thing has impacted the culture as my second point in between.

A lot of people hate it. There's an entire body of people who think Mars Hill is useless and actually detracts from your ability to speak the gospel sincerely without 'fakeness'. I've got a separate argument for that, but let's just say I strongly disagree.

Other people hate it because they think it's dull. Well, we all have our opinions.

If you've ever though about doing Mars Hill, or are new, I highly suggest it. It's fun, it teaches empathy and culture/media analysis, and how to make day-to-day life connects to the gospel. If you're a lim prep person, go for it. If your not do it anyway.

The people who already have a deep and profound love of Mars Hill just want me to get to the point.

Here it is. We are getting some of the most amazing classic and modern television shows ever made. Some if not most of which we've all already watched. I can talk for hours with my friends about these. Think of how much fun we're gonna have giving speeches about them. Where judges have to listen to you rant on about how awesome the old Star Trek is compared to the new ones or the complications or plot twist in Once Upon A Time, Downton Abbey, or White Collar.

I'm mean, look at these, and you can't tell me that's not more fun than talking about nuclear power or marine resources:

Are you excited? I am.

1. Pick your topic
2. Rant
3. Learn

That's pretty much speech and debate as a whole.


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